“Caravan for Change” rode through the community

A weekend caravan of automobiles followed a tri-angular route connecting Oconee’s three largest municipalities, and an organizer says things went well.  The Saturday evening caravan sought to raise attention to the idea of an Oconee County Commission on African-American Affairs as well as the Say the Names campaign that calls names of African-American victims of police brutality.  Betty Jo Smith […]

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Councilman says Walhalla priorities misplaced

  David Underwood says had he been present for last week’s meeting, he’d have voted against the Walhalla ordinance that, starting today, requires facial coverings while in public, when social distancing can’t be followed.  But Councilman Underwood said he and his wife were celebrating their anniversary.  Had he voted, the ordinance, he notes, would still have passed by a vote […]

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Serious car wreck Sunday near Walhalla

In a two-car accident yesterday near Walhalla, three people were reported hurt.  According to Walhalla Fire Department, one of the injured in the Picket Post Road accident suffered trauma and required a med helicopter flight to Greenville.  The two others injured were sent by ground transport to the Oconee hospital.

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Five new Oconee cases, one additional death

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Sunday announced 663 new confirmed cases and 33 new probable cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, 8 additional confirmed deaths and 4 new probable deaths.  Five new Oconee County cases were reported, along with a new Oconee County death; that of an elderly person who died Saturday. This brings the total number of confirmed cases […]

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Arrest made in fatal Saturday night shooting

  A 37-year old man has been jailed in an investigation of a fatal shooting late last night in the vicinity of South Union Community in southern Oconee County.  According to the sheriff’s office, Brian James Schwenk was detained at the shooting scene, the Little Choesteoa Road home of the victim.  Coroner Karl Addis says James Richard Carlson died of […]

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Two controversies appear on Westminster agenda

Two high-emotion controversies are agenda items for a called meeting of Westminster City Council.  At this meeting next week, the council is scheduled to discuss re-instituting a nepotism policy and alleged threats made to a city employee by a councilman.  The meeting will be 5:30 pm Tuesday in the training room of the Westminster Fire Department. If you plan to […]

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825 new South Carolina cases, 33 more deaths

  The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) today announced 825 new confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 33 additional confirmed deaths.  Nine new Oconee County cases are reported, but no additional deaths. This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 109,962, probable cases to 1,333, confirmed deaths to 2,372, and 121 probable deaths. As of yesterday, […]

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School cops ready for a new year

Oconee County school children on Monday return to classroom buildings for the first time since March.  Most of them have opted for face-to-face instruction, while the rest will resume their studies virtually.  Because of COVID-19, this is a most anticipated start to a new year of academics and, with precautions against virus spread in place, the hope is that all […]

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Caravan for Change tomorrow

A “caravan for change” will organize tomorrow for a drive through Oconee County for two stated purposes.  They will gather at 6 o’clock tomorrow evening at the Westminster Depot to organize a motor vehicle caravan that is expected to go from Westminster to Walhalla and Seneca, in part, to draw attention to efforts to create an Oconee Commission on African-American […]

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