A night time curfew clears out the Civil War memorial

Things appeared quiet this morning in the area of Walhalla’s memorial to deceased Civil War soldiers.  However, the city last night enacted a 9 pm to 6 am curfew as a way to calm down an apparent escalation of words between protesters and counter protesters.  Brent Taylor, city administrator, explained why the city went to a curfew.  “It had to do with how people were talking to each others and the concern that it was going to get elevated to a higher level”, he said.  For a fourth day, the memorial was the scene of crowds.  At one point last night, the number was an estimated 70 people representing both sides.  Police Chief Sean Brinson this morning said six arrests alleging breach of peace were made involving members of both groups.  A handful of Black Lives Matter supporters pressed the Seneca City Council last night to discontinue a paid ad arrangement with The Journal, citing the controversial cartoon published by the paper June 10.  The mayor and council received the request during last night’s budget workshop.