The check in the mail will arrive later

South Carolina electric power customers felt a financial burden from a failed nuclear power project, but many of them can look forward to partial credits and refunds.  It’s just that, we are now told, that the check in the mail won’t arrive as soon as first projected.  Right now, according to information gathered by Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative, Blue Ridge retail customers are likely to start to receive compensation in December, instead an autumn time period.  Blue Ridge’s Terry Ballenger says this is to be the first of two checks, with the second to be delivered in 2022.  Blue Ridge is one of the South Carolina electric cooperatives that get electric power on a wholesale arrangement from the Central Electric Power Cooperative, which was a co-defendant in a $520 million settlement of a complex lawsuit.  According to one guesstimate, the average check to a retail customer could approximate $200 dollars.  Those customers who qualify for $25 dollars or less are to receive a credit on their bills.