Oconee tourist attraction reached 50 years today

The Oconee Nuclear Station and its companion visitors center, the World of Energy, have been around for nearly a half century. But the World of Energy, actually originated before the first electricity was produced. In fact, in its first year, the visitors center served as a vantage point to watch the construction of Duke Power’s nuclear plant. That’s why in the first year alone the then Keowee-Toxaway Visitors Center attracted 250 thousand visitors.  Because  the World of Energy opened on July 1, 1969, Duke Energy today reunited many of the people who’ve staffed the visitors center over five decades. Today’s employee reunion included several former center directors, as well as other employees, including a tour guide from the first year. Among the former center directors who reunited today were Tim Pettit, Debbie Dubose, Jason Walls, and Sandra Magee. The very first director was the late Henry Cheney, a former North Carolina TV anchorman remembered for his deep voice.