Westminster to address six-figure state government grant

The state of South Carolina is willing to send $340 thousand to Westminster to replace antiquated sewer lines in the neighborhood of what was the city’s largest employer. The end to the textile era cost Westminster its Beacon manufacturing operation. In the aftermath of the homes in that vicinity are old lines in need of replacement. At its meeting Tuesday, city council will be asked to authorize the administrator to accept the Rural Infrastructure Authority grant. Chris Carter, city administrator, Carter spoke today to 101.7/WGOG NEWS about the project: “This is a project in the old Beacon Mill area where the sewer collection system serves several homes. That system dates back probably to the early-late 1920s and there is some rehabilitation of old lines and manholes that need to be accomplished. We estimate that the total project with the estimated engineering professional services will be in the range of $600 thousand.” Carter said his city is hopeful that the county Joint Regional Sewer Authority will cover the construction costs of the project.