Up, up go Seneca fees and taxes

Mayor Dan Alexander cautioned Seneca City Council last night that his proposed new budgets would be “definitely different.” His Honor was not exaggerating. To allow Seneca to undertake major utility projects and strengthen its public safety departments, Alexander announced proposed budgets exceeding $45 million dollars for all purposes. He proposed new revenues in the form of a three-mill property tax increase and varying increases in water, sewer, electric, and sanitation charges. Some quick arithmetic by Councilman Dana Moore pegged the pocketbook impact on city taxpayers to run as high as an additional $100 thousand a year, for those whose homes are assessed at $100 thousand value. For Seneca to take on projects such as water treatment and electric substation upgrades, the mayor said his city is anticipating a 25-year bond issue. But he asked the council members to consider the future, and they responded by approving first reading. Second and final reading, along with a public hearing, takes place Thursday, June 27—-three days before the start of a new budget year.