Shaping up Sertoma Field

A first-of-its-kind Community Workday will take place, as a way to help the Oktoberfest Committee and the city of Walhalla prepare Sertoma Field for this year’s Oktoberfest — the weekend that Walhalla holds its annual outdoor festival as a tribute to the city’s Germanic founding in the mid 19th century. Stacy Jackson, president of Oktoberfest, says the committee has often received inquiries from members of the general public as to what they can do to prepare the field for its booths and tents, and October 6 is going to be that opportunity. The workday will take place from 1 to 3 pm Sunday, October 6. Any help will be appreciated — whether it’s raking leaves or bringing a weed eater to tidy up the grounds. For more information on the Workday, go to the Oktoberfest Facebook page. The 2024 Oktoberfest will take place Friday through Sunday, October 18-20.