Sewer South anticipation high

No one has actually signed anything as yet, but optimism continues to grow that Sewer South is close to reality. The project to sewer Oconee’s Golden Corner Commerce Park on highway 59 and extend piped sewer to  other parts of the southern end of the county have been the focus of years of meetings and a good share of contentious dialogue on whether a hay field, as critics call it,  will ever develop into economic development. But last night Scott Moulder the Oconee County administrator weighed in with his optimism that a three-party deal is not only possible, but likely soon. The three-party agreement Moulder referred to would involve Oconee County, the city of Seneca, and the Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority.  Jim Alexander, recently-retired director of Oconee Economic Development, often cautioned not to expect developers to flock to GCCP without first the necessary utilities in place.