Reynolds’ Seneca flick is back…and to original title

Originally made under the name “Elbow Grease”, then re-named an “Innocent Kiss”, only to return to its original title, one of the last movies with Burt Reynolds is returning to the big screen…and will be shown starting Friday at Seneca’s movie theatre, among other South Carolina locations. Promoters of the comedy-romance that centers on a Southern family are making a new push to give Elbow Grease a wide distribution, even in these pandemic times.  The movie was upstate native Jason Shirley’s first and, besides Reynolds, featured other professional actors, as well as a number of well-known Seneca figures such as Harry Jones and Johnny Fields and a great deal of local scenery including Ramcat Alley and the Friendship Road.  The movie debuted at the Seneca Cinemas in 2018 in a one-night showing that packed the house.  Since then, some Oconeeans have watched it on DVD, while others said they wished they could find the movie in a theatre.