980 pounds of free dog food

Today, for one day only, the Oconee Animal Shelter will distribute free dog food to pet owners in need.  The county Humane Society credits generous donors and a partnership with GreaterGoods.org for making available 980 pounds of dry dog food to help Oconeeans keep their canines, healthy, happy, and home.  The giveaway runs 10 to 5 today at the shelter, […]

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A 95th year for a Seneca civic club

This week Seneca Rotary Club can take a moment to count the years.  95 of them.  The city’s Thursday afternoon Rotary Club was chartered March 14, 1928.  That wasn’t too many years after Paul Harris, a lawyer, and three young, ambitious friends organized the first service club, Rotary, in the then frontier town of Chicago.

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Fire in the mountain region

The Andrew Pickens Ranger District will be conducting a 1,047 acre burn today approximately 1 mile south of the Brasstown Rd. and Hwy 76 intersection. Primary objective of today’s burn is for fuels reduction. Smoke will be visible from Westminster, Walhalla and Seneca and of short duration.

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Phase One Palmetto State Housing Study

Joey Von Nessen says a major benefit of the first phase of the SC Housing, USC Moore School Palmetto State Housing Study is the attention to housing problems across South Carolina.  The final report is due to reach the state legislature by June 30.  The study explores housing issues, including supply and demand and the inventory of what’s available.  101.7/WGOG […]

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March 25 event to combat food insecurity

A pantry, a supermarket, and two churches are working together to help nourish Oconeeans needing food.  A distribution of food takes place, first-come, first-served 10 am to noon Saturday, March 25 at the Radiant Church, 11075 Watson Drive, near Seneca.  JoAnn Johnson of the nonprofit “In The Gap” says, “We provide food assistance to families whose incomes fall between 151-186% […]

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