School District accused of age discrimination and retaliation

A former adult education teacher in the Oconee public schools is taking the county district to court, alleging age discrimination and retaliation.  The complaint filed yesterday in the Commons Pleas Court names Dr. Martha Lusk the plaintiff and the Oconee School District the defendant.  Lusk is represented by Greenville attorney Brian Arnold.  The court filing states Lusk, 72 years old, […]

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Election voting deadline today

Early voting in Seneca’s next election, May 30, continues today.  But there’s a deadline fast approaching if you qualify for an absentee ballot and have not yet applied.  That deadline, says elections director Kristi Burr, is 5 o’clock this evening — meaning your signed application must be in the election office at Walhalla no later than 5 today.  Seneca voters […]

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What’s in the state’s new paving program for Oconee

Spring is road-paving time in South Carolina.  Beyond the various projects for which contractors have been assigned, the state is already planning its 2024 paving program.  The Department of Transportation Commission this week added $775 million to the previously invested $2.8 billion into its current, 10-year plan.  In the plan’s seventh year, the transportation commissioners approved another 877 miles of […]

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Barkdale Drive re-funded, Bayshore Road dropped

Road paving allocations that fall short of contractor’s estimates left the Oconee State “C” Fund Committee to re-evaluate earlier actions.  A communication from DOT in Columbia led the three-member county “C” Fund Committee yesterday to drop the re-surfacing of Bayshore Road, 1-point-7 miles in length.  It was announced at the meeting that, in this period of inflation, an allocation of […]

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State police arrest Seneca woman

The state police announce the arrest of a college financial administrator, Seneca resident Jennifer Leigh Price, on the charge of embezzling public funds.  Price, 53, was charged yesterday and booked at the Greenville County Detention Center.  In a warrant signed by officer Alexandria Metzler, Price is charged and here’s the language from the officer’s affidavit, “Between the dates of April […]

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Where a traffic light could reduce accidents

Oconee’s state “C” Fund Committee learned today locations where new traffic signals could have the effect of improving driver safety.  Three sections of highways were identified at the meeting:  Wells Highway in front of the Borg Warner Plant.  Sam Dickson, committee chairman, said Senator Alexander was part of a recent meeting involving the DOT and the result, Dickson reported, is […]

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