State police arrest Seneca woman

The state police announce the arrest of a college financial administrator, Seneca resident Jennifer Leigh Price, on the charge of embezzling public funds.  Price, 53, was charged yesterday and booked at the Greenville County Detention Center.  In a warrant signed by officer Alexandria Metzler, Price is charged and here’s the language from the officer’s affidavit, “Between the dates of April […]

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Where a traffic light could reduce accidents

Oconee’s state “C” Fund Committee learned today locations where new traffic signals could have the effect of improving driver safety.  Three sections of highways were identified at the meeting:  Wells Highway in front of the Borg Warner Plant.  Sam Dickson, committee chairman, said Senator Alexander was part of a recent meeting involving the DOT and the result, Dickson reported, is […]

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Stolen cars traced to North Carolina

The investigation of the theft of two cars from an Oconee dealership has led to a Charlotte, North Carolina area.  An Oconee Sheriff’s Office report shows the cars stolen apparently overnight Tuesday from Edwards Auto Sales the stolen 2018 Dodge Durango was tracked to a Charlotte street address; the 2022 Dodge Hellcat, however, remained unaccounted for.  The Durango is valued […]

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Walhalla zoning change is rejected

An ordinance to re-zone property at a Walhalla street corner was voted down during this week’s city council meeting.  According to Mayor Edwards, about two and a quarter acres at Frank Martin Drive and N. Poplar Street will remain R-25 for single family residential.  If approved, the two parcels there would have been rezoned to to MFR—multi-family residential.  

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Westminster meeting to address utility work contracts

The members of Westminster City Council are being called together for a special noon hour meeting tomorrow for the purpose of awarding utility project contracts.  The city has been approved for an $8.7 million-dollar federal loan to  make improvements and enhancements across the water distribution system.  They include new water lines and hydrants. City staff is recommending the work be […]

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