Saturday cancellations

Forecast rain and heavy fog forces Walhalla to make new Christmas parade plans.  Tomorrow afternoon’s parade has been called off.  The new date is 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon, December 10.  Celia Myers, city administrator, said, “The safety of our participants and families attending are our priority.”  Also cancelled tomorrow is the county Democrats party event.  It too has been re-scheduled […]

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State appeals court ruling in Oconee case

A recent ruling by the South Carolina Court of Appeals upholds a 10th circuit judge’s four-year old ruling in the case of David Stokes vs. Oconee County, Wayne McCall, and Edda Cammick.  The court on November 8 affirmed circuit judge Lawton McIntosh’s 2019 ruling that granted summary judgment to both McCall and Cammick, but the appeals court also ruled, “We […]

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Traffic fatality identified

Killed in an accident last night in Oconee County:  47-year old Westminster resident Josh Michael Lewis, as announced this morning by Coroner Karl Addis.  The accident involved Lewis, a pedestrian, and a Kia automobile, as reported by the state patrol.  The accident was reported to 9-1-1 just before 10 last night as having occurred at U-S 76/123 at the Richland […]

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Legal counsel appointment for Clemson

At next week’s meeting of Clemson City Council, consideration for Michael Kozlarek of the King Kozlarek firm for appointment as the city attorney.  In that position, duties include advice and direction to the council, to a number of city appointed officers on all legal questions that may arise, among other responsibilities.  Clemson sets remuneration for its city attorney as a […]

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South Carolina drought conditions expand

Seven Upstate counties are now rated moderate drought:  Greenville, Spartanburg, Cherokee, Union, York, Chester and Fairfield.  The state committee monitoring conditions made no changes in other counties classified incipient drought.  Incipient is the first level of drought, followed by moderate, severe, and extreme.  Low streamflow and impacts of the drought on feed and water for grazing animals were the primary […]

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Late night highway fatality

At 10:55 last night, the highway patrol reports, a pedestrian lost his life while trying to cross a four-lane Oconee County highway.  The accident involved a Kia automobile and occurred on U-S 76 at the Richland Road.  The car driver was not hurt.  So far, there has been no public identification of the deceased.

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