Clamor over proposed gun range on Stamp Creek Road

Oconeeans living near a proposed gun range took their opposition to last night’s County Council meeting. Multiple speakers from the audience asked the county fathers not to approve the range proposed for at 453 E. Stamp Creek Road.  They are worried about safety and noise, as well as environmental concerns because of lead from spent bullets eventually leaching into nearby […]

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Walhalla to form diversity panel

Moving forward, Walhalla will put in place a committee of city officials and residents to work toward greater diversity.  Mayor Edwards described the committee as an attempt to improve the city and “make sure those with voices can be heard.”  It’s the goal, the mayor stated last night, that the effort at ensuring greater diversity will be done as fairly […]

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Protest behavior better, curfew ends, for now

Walhalla leaders heeded the advice this evening of their police chief and decided that, for now, there’s no need to extend a curfew that was imposed last night.  The mayor and council will hold an ordinance that would permit a curfew if an emergency were to arrive.  At their meeting it appeared the mayor and council were moving toward extending […]

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Can the virus be found in wastewater?

Wastewater is nasty.  And now there’s a question of whether COVID-19 can be found in what’s flushed down the toilet.  In a committee meeting tomorrow Chris Eleazer, executive director of the Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority, will lead discussion on a request by South Carolina DHEC and Clemson University to study for novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in wastewater, and these are […]

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595 new cases, five more deaths

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) today announced 595 new cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 and 5 additional deaths. This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 19,990 and those who have died to 607. Three of the deaths occurred in elderly individuals from Chesterfield (1), Colleton (1), […]

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Community rally and unity walk within a few hours

At Seneca, the stage is in place in the large downtown park, to accommodate the speakers for tonight’s event aimed at trying to better bring together law enforcement and the community it serves.  Sheriff Mike Crenshaw describes tonight’s 6 o’clock event as an outdoor “Coffee with a Cop” get together.  He’s hopeful that this will be an event that can […]

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Mayor vows to find a peaceful solution

After four days of protests and counter protests centered on Walhalla’s Civil War memorial, the mayor wants to find a peaceful solution that has divided people on both ends of the issue.  “In the coming days,” says Mayor Danny Edwards, “we hope to organize a meeting with leaders of the area to find a peaceful solution.”  Edwards view was echoed […]

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At the memorial this morning

A small, see-through fence surrounds the Walhalla Civil War memorial and cannon.  Signs attached to the fence read, “For your protection, please stay off the monument.”  That fence and signs are the doing of the city.  Brent Taylor, administrator, says, “We are concerned about people climbing on them, falling, and getting hurt.”  The cannon and memorial sit in a grass […]

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Public school in the fall, but question marks

The trustees of Oconee public schools agreed last night on a new calendar that will resume education in August.  “What it will look like, I don’t know,” says Jerry Lee, board chairman.  Lee says much will depend on decisions reached by the state, and Oconee public school officials continue to await those decisions.  Uncertain, according to Lee, is whether the […]

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