Prominent Walhallan dies at 93

Davenport Funeral Home announces the death of long-time Walhallan Maxie Duke.  At 93 years old, Duke died Wednesday at her home.  A Highlands, North Carolina native, Duke was known in Oconee for many civic, professional and public service endeavors.  She taught at Walhalla High, served on the county board of trustees, and was a long time Democrat and party worker who embraced the term of “Yellow Dog Democrat.” In the late 1960s’, she was part of group of women who spearheaded a drive that flooded the then state highway department with petitions that led to the widening and partial re-location of SC 28 from Seneca to Walhalla from a two-lane highway to a four-lane highway.  In later years, she and others created a civic auditorium out of a former school building.  Because of COVID restrictions, a private family service will be held and burial will be in Highlands Memorial Cemetery.