The most vulnerable should be vaccinated first — Bell

South Carolina continues to receive doses of its initial allocation of COVID-19 vaccine from the federal government, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) today announced. Three health care facilities received allocations yesterday, and direct allocations were delivered to 12 additional facilities today. Health care facilities in South Carolina are beginning to vaccinate their most essential front-line medical workers following the guidance for phase 1a vaccine allocation finalized last week. “Together, with our federal, state and local partners, DHEC is committed to ensuring that everyone who wants to receive vaccine in South Carolina will eventually be vaccinated,” said Dr. Linda Bell, State Epidemiologist. “However, the number of doses is currently limited in South Carolina, like in all states. That’s why we are calling on all South Carolinians to step up by stepping back, to ensure the most vulnerable among us and those who keep us alive are vaccinated first.”  The state is expected to receive all of its approximate 43,000 initial total doses by tomorrow, December 16. The federal government is providing additional allocations to states on a weekly basis going forward, and South Carolina is anticipated to receive 200,000-300,000 doses by the end of the year. While there are no established time frames for each phase of vaccine distribution, as outlined in the state’s vaccine plan, South Carolinians will be made aware when vaccine is available to them. The state could remain in this initial phase 1a, which is focused on averting deaths and protecting medical professionals, for several weeks or months, depending on the supply and demand of initial vaccine doses.